👉Current Price:
1.0583 EOS/KB ≈ 0.00103353 EOS/Byte
0.8618 USD/KB
(+8.52% in 24h)
Buy in 24h: 3218892 EOS
Sell in 24h: 1285256 EOS
Total in 24h: 4504149 EOS
Fee in 24h: 22520 EOS
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5.720 kB / 44.083 kB ≈ 47 EOS RAM Transfer
EOS Balance: 1.0509 EOS
Total Buy: 2 EOS
Total Sell: 0 EOS
Buy - Sell: 2 EOS
Total Fee: 0 EOS
Total Profit: 44 EOS
TX Block Time Account Amount Price Size
e2493b3c 2020-09-07 17:52:14 lianmengxiao 0.0054 EOS 0.0528 EOS/KB 104 Bytes
6f2a70fe 2020-09-07 17:51:57 lianmengxiao 1.0000 EOS 0.0528 EOS/KB 18.834 kB
857c1306 2020-09-07 17:50:38 lianmengxiao 0.0032 EOS 0.0528 EOS/KB 62 Bytes
acd474f0 2020-09-07 17:50:07 lianmengxiao 0.6556 EOS 0.0528 EOS/KB 12.347 kB
005b7e27 2019-11-30 13:50:27 lianmengxiao 0.5487 EOS 0.0699 EOS/KB 7.810 kB