👉Current Price:
1.0622 EOS/KB ≈ 0.00103731 EOS/Byte
0.8625 USD/KB
(+12.34% in 24h)
Buy in 24h: 3893241 EOS
Sell in 24h: 1249483 EOS
Total in 24h: 5142725 EOS
Fee in 24h: 25713 EOS
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10.396 kB / 10.617 kB ≈ 11 EOS RAM Transfer
EOS Balance: 0.0000 EOS
Total Buy: 0 EOS
Total Sell: 0 EOS
Buy - Sell: 0 EOS
Total Fee: 0 EOS
Total Profit: 10 EOS
TX Block Time Account Amount Price Size
3849658a 2019-03-21 19:43:47 words.game 0.1000 EOS 0.0507 EOS/KB 1.964 kB
356b58b0 2019-03-20 11:43:08 words.game 0.1000 EOS 0.0508 EOS/KB 1.957 kB
a7d01107 2019-02-07 09:42:34 words.game 0.0499 EOS 0.0558 EOS/KB 911 Bytes
66509ba8 2019-01-19 23:32:40 words.game 0.0268 EOS 0.0581 EOS/KB 470 Bytes